Defining Moments Doula Services - Edmonton - Other services, Edmonton - 855004


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Defining Moments Doula Services - Other services

Ref. number: 855004 Updated: 28-11-2011 22:41

Offering: Other services in Canada, Edmonton

Birth is an amazing, life altering experience... A Defining Moment. Helping you achieve your vision of an ideal birth. As a doula, I provide physical and emotional pregnancy and labour support to women and their families. Through the use of non-medical comfort measures such as positioning, relaxation techniques, breathing and massage we can help to make the birth experience a positive one. A doula is a constant presence throughout labour and delivery allowing for a greater level of comfort for both the mother and her partner. We meet a minimum of 5 times throughout your pregnancy and I attend your birth in its entirety. I further stay at least 2 hours after baby is born to help with initial breast feeding. Lastly, I provide you with a personal birth story keepsake as well as any pictures I took for you. I am so honored to be part of this amazing profession!

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Contact information
First name: chantell
Last name: simmons
Phone number: 780-430-4766
Mobile number: 780-504-1648
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