HIGH QUALITY, HAND PAINTED, OIL ON CANVAS, ART REPRODUCTIONS & PORTRAITS Here at ITSONCANVAS.COM We have a large selection of famous paintings available to choose from, all of which can be reproduced entirely by hand using the highest quality oil paints and linen canvas. Our art reproductions will enhance your home and make you the envy of your friends and family, for a fraction of the price you would normally expect to pay. Our reproductions of the great master's paintings are meticulously painted by skilled and experienced artists that have perfected their expertise through years of formal study and many more years of full time painting. ITSONCANVAS.COM is dedicated to the master artists that have left a lasting impression in the art community and enriched our lives with their extraordinary talents. Our mission is to provide our customers with fine quality art at an affordable price. We encourage you to browse our extensive database of classic artwork - and find the piece that is right for you.
Details :
- currency: CAD
- delivery: Local Delivery
- price_display: $200
- user_id: 1875165